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                What is an Hydraulic Oil Cooler?

                Hydraulic Oil coolers are also known as hydraulic heat exchangers. The primary function of the oil cooler in the hydraulic system is preventing the system from over-temperature. Oil coolers in both closed and open hydraulic system will pass the hydraulic oil through a coil or core to reduce the generated heat of the oil. Also, this cooling component can mitigate the effect of environmental surroundings. The following are the other important benefits of using oil coolers. Stable cooling and filtration performance Unaffected by fluid flow and duty cycle variation. The size of the oil cooler can be varied on the basis of heat load Extend the life of the hydraulic system and hydraulic oil Pressure in the return line doesn’t affect the oil cooler. Because it is placed separately Improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the system Easy to maintain and repair. Entire system shut down not required for repair/maintenance Hydraulic oil coolers are used in different industries like agricultural, manufacturing, automobile, etc… The important components required for the construction of hydraulic oil coolers are oil reservoir, cooling fan, relief valve, filter, mini hydraulic motor, etc… The size of the oil cooler is directly related to the heat load. For a system with higher heat generation, the cooler sizing needs to be proportionally greater to withstand that load. The other major consideration in choosing a hydraulic oil cooler are flow required, desired oil temperature, oil viscosity, and more. Air-cooled oil coolers and water-cooled oil coolers are the two important categories of oil coolers used in the hydraulic system. In the air-cooled oil cooler, it will be equipped with electric or hydraulic ventilator and it cools down the heated fluid by streaming air through it. The water-cooled oil cooler utilizes liquids for cooling the hydraulic oil. This cooler is more efficient, quieter and compact in size. To prevent contamination of both fluids, a barrier is used for separation.

                Keeping Cool is a Hot Topic

                Choosing the right heat exchanger can extend the life of a hydraulic system and its components—especially the fluid.

                How To Connect A Air Cooled Heat Exchanger/ Finned Tube Heat Exchanger

                A connection issue for forced air heat exchangers, which requires attention during initial installation, relates to whether it is single or double pass. These days, many exchanger cores are designed so that during manufacture, they can be configured as either single or double pass.

                How to Select a Mobile Hydraulic Heat Exchanger

                Sizing and selecting a heat exchanger for hydraulics isn’t always straightforward, especially when the equipment works in a wide variety of ambient temperatures and load conditions.

                Hydraulic Cylinders: The Basics

                When hydraulic systems must produce linear motion, hydraulic cylinders become their most important component by converting fluid pressure and flow to force and velocity.

                How to Select and Size Hydraulic-Oil Coolers

                Heat kills hydraulic systems. That’s why hydraulic oil coolers are widely used in a diverse range of agricultural, mobile, manufacturing, and industrial settings. They remove excess heat generated by energy losses in a system, as well as that from external sources such as engines, furnaces, and even the surrounding environment.

                Why Your Hydraulic Machine Probably Needs an Oil Cooler—and a Big One!

                A lot of attention is paid to contamination of hydraulic fluid, usually viewed as dirt, water, and air. But heat is also quite detrimental to hydraulic fluid and may account as many component failures as “regular” contamination.

                Guangzhou HIKERIS machinery participated in the Bauma CHINA 2020

                Bauma CHINA 2020, the 10th Shanghai International Construction Machinery, Building Materials Machinery, Construction Vehicles and Equipment Expo was successfully held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on November 24-27, 2020. Guangzhou HIKERIS made its debut at Bauma China 2020. Booth number E5-867.